Semblant Business for Future Business

If your photo does not look pretty as you hope, may need to touch Qbonk. Business lifestyle is a promising business. One part of the business is a lifestyle image. 
How not promising, if almost every one, must have more than one photo. Either stored in hidden fold wallet, installed in the house walls, or stored neatly in a photo album. 
Moreover, the young metropolis of the city. The very large and have many needs for budget lifestyle. This is the market targeted by Qbonk as target customers. As presented by Veronika Lea, owner Qbonk.Com the manager at once. 
According to Lea, the young people will never stop or subside. In addition, ideas also inspired from the flare of  photo box entrance in mall. Many ABG (Teenagers), a common for teenagers who willingly queued to style and pose for photos in the photo IM box. 
In order to approach the youth, Lea in the plan this year will open outlets in shopping malls. Mal selected as a public space visited by many young people. 

MTV Takes woes and favors 

Bringing out a legendary novel favors, similar to the story of Lea also Veronika car racing hobby. For, as Qbonk at this time does not escape from the misery Lea. In fact, can be spelled out when Qbonk beginning with sadnessand suffering. 
Initially, Lea is an art director in several companies and film production house in Indonesia. Because  that hobby demon on the road, can not be denied sinister, in May 2002, an accident on the road. 
As a result, the Lea is seriously injured. Even have paralyzed for several months. Of course, this makes Lea shock. Drastic changes in living Lea started happening. From an art director who always mobile, to be a very static in bed. Even sleep can not only italics. 
Physical limitations that does not impede the soul’s creative Lea. Moreover, almost every day Lea can only watch television. Lea inspired by the animation and graphics that often appear in the MTV. 
Slow, Lea began to sit, can proceed with holding the mouse. “Achievement” which is very unusual is achieved early in 2004, or almost one year after the accident. 
This achievement, supported with a lot of inspiration from the television talent, assisted in the art of self-Lea, delivered the first paper. A greeting card happy anniversary with a unique design based vectors results Tracing. 
Lea also send home-made greeting cards that contain photos of friends in the form of vectors. Unique because, friends and book for their own needs. From the beginning of this order, Lea try run the extreme sport, Results of the paper, the birth order that come repeatedly. Order Qbonk first came from friends in the United States. 
Little by little, order began to come regularly. Increasing the order and of course omzet, not kill creative ideas Lea. Thus the number of order, forcing the focus Lea in the business at a time-variant variants develop new products. 
No wonder then if Qbonk.Com provide many variations of the output Tracing. Although based on the Tracing output images, but can be applied in various products. Start canvas bags, wall hours, mug, to a shirt. 
Finally, in early 2005, Lea work Qbonk serious. As evidence of her consistency, Lea recruit eight freelance designer and illustrator and one of the special handling and administration orders. 
Previously, Lea must do everything alone, just a secretary assisted the back office. For example, contract work, exhibition schedule, to the image you want to check in-Tracing. 
Now, the processing is done Lea Tracing only if there is any spare time in the middle busy. Most orders are now done by freelancers under Qbonk. However, it does not mean a lot of unemployed Lea, for quality control remain to be done by Lea itself. Moreover, almost all customers only know Lea as the only people who do all the orders for Tracing Qbonk.Com. 
Quality control in the hands of the Lea it also distinguishes between products Qbonk.Com with the product manufacturer, are made in the amount of bloodshed or many at once. 
For, according to Lea, each designer and freelance illustrator in Qbonk.Com has its own character. Therefore, Lea will check their own work in the freelance workers. 
Similarly for each type of order, each with its own techniques and a different touch to one another. For example, in the face and car images. Each must be done with a different touch. Effect of pattern and shadow of the face can not be equated with the aerodynamics of the car. 

Names and Unique Capital 

Name Qbonk indeed be unique, strange, and funny. Initially want to be named Mango, who was taken from the cartoons or Manga in Japanese. What if want to start a business, such as Lea? “Condition only two,” Leah answered. “First and second capital nekad never think delicate.” 
Nekad capital is what is required by entrepreneur. How do I not, if one cent without any capital, there is only one computer assembly only has to receive the order. 
Now, there are several sales agents Qbonk in and outside the country. Of them in Japan, Canada and the United States. Sales agents in foreign Qbonk held by Lea’s own friends. And indeed, most orders come from overseas. Especially Los Angeles, United States. 
According to Lea, this happens because of two reason. First, the west believes more transactions with the Internet or e-commerce, than the people of Indonesia. Second, the appreciation of the Indonesian people in the works of art not equal those abroad. 
Speaking of competition, Lea is very fair. Even he is willing to receive people who want to learn to dive before a similar business with Qbonk. For Lea, with no competitors, Qbonk.Com experience can stymie innovation. For, no more parties that can be used as benchmark or equal opponent. 

How to cheat 

Qbonk.Com How it works is simple. As the device is used. Do not imagine Qbonk using the Mac G5 or the like. Qbonk only rely on pure PC assembly. However, this can dimaklumi, because the key works of a design lies in the brainware or human resources. 
The first time every time the order is signed in the quality and feasibility of the examination file. File in the wishing-Tracing must meet several requirements. Of them, if the photo, the front face; if a file, minimum resolution of 300 x300 dpi (dot per inch); and if hardcopy, image does not dirty. To Qbonk.Com, this check is done by one person alone who have trust Lea. If the orders come from overseas or outside the city, the examination conducted by local agencies Qbonk.Com. 
Then, if still a hardcopy, softcopy order will be made with high resolution. After that, the color and dikalibrasi set ketajamannya. This process is called retouch. Results will be retouch this benchmark Tracing. Tracing the process can be read at the end of this paper (box: “About Tracing”). 
Tracing the results will be reviewed by Lea quality. Once approved, sent to the customer. Finally, after customers agree to a result, customers will get the results printed only, without softcopy. When there is order Tracing printed on the mug or other object, the result will also be included. 
For product variations, such as canvas bag or mug, Lea obtain from various sources in the country. Initially, for orders from abroad, Lea softcopy only send it to agents. By agents, softcopy is printed on the bag or kartupos and delivered to the customer. 
But then, based on the calculation of business, Lea decided to print all the product variations Tracing in Indonesia only. Because, the cost of production is much lower than abroad. Although the price of production in the country are still to be added to the charges that are not small. Local suppliers, the previously tested one by one, before deciding to choose the best one. 
Concerning the quality, mug and canvas cloth to locals, is still better than the imported products. No wonder if Lea deliberately choose local products. Moreover, the price is cheaper. 
Total time needed to carry out an order varies. Can be from one day to two weeks, not including shipping. For each order, and the characters have their own difficulties. No wonder if Lea limit orders received Qbonk.Com. In order to achieve the best quality, not Lea rarely reject the order if it is received only reduce the quality and sheer quantity hunt. Now, the average in order to reach the tens of designs in a variety of product variants. And customers from overseas are still occupying the top position in the number of customers. 

Corporate Market 

Other services provided by Qbonk.Com is Holay Pasemon. This service is intended for corporate or business class. Holay Pasemon own image manipulation service is to be cartoons that are similar to real images. The uniqueness of this product, each image has a role and have a character that is different because it is designed by different artists with one another. Typically, services are used to making short films special order. 
Wing Qbonk.Com more business with developing services that integrated marketing communication. This service includes the making of strategic planning, concept and design, construction, implementation and supervision, and evaluation. 
Qbonk.Com often also involved in creating animation for special projects. For example, change the building into a mock-animated presentation material as a construction company. 
Extent of the network business Lea seems important role in corporate marketing class. Not surprisingly, if Qbonk.Com also obtain exclusive rights hall of a mall in Jakarta as a great place when there are special exhibition event. 

Student Package 

Without lowering purchasing power means students, provide a package price Qbonk.Com students. This package allows customers of the students get results Tracing the price is relatively cheaper. Although the price is low, the risk does not mean the name of Lea Qbonk.Com. Because, the quality will remain a priority Qbonk.Com results. In addition, the target of the package the student is not a matter of course omzet. However, more preferably Lea education to land markets and widen customer segmentation. 
The price is very cheap, compared with rates even photo box. “Only one Rp45.000 to pose as the size of 4×6 cm 8 pieces,” said Lea. 
Breakthrough that is done by SMS Qbonk.Com Info. A service that allows mobile phone users to obtain the latest information about Qbonk.Com. Now, this service can still be accessed by users with a GSM operator Telkomsel (Halo, As, and Simpati). How, live Qbonk type and sent to 2229, and the burden of cost Rp500 per SMS. To attract customers, Qbonk.Com provide prizes for the lucky 50{9178b9e61e8b14654a1e5a761a30608268a5c8e8a905e80d0d8d33ab42c52d78} discount form. 
Lea believes that this business will not die. Although the sequel is even IM Tracing process. For, according to Lea, technology is simply a tool. Tracing the process while the process is an art or works of art. Perpetrators, of course, an artist, not a programmer or computer operator stark. Of course, the results of each artist is different even though the exact same tool. 
Business development opportunities “plagiarism” as this is still wide open. No wonder if Lea had visions, when a, all offices will use the design-based vectors for all needs. Start a company logo to the greeting cards and letters. Figment of artists, creative entrepreneurs as well as Lea, more like obsession than speculation. 
And now Qbonk.Com open the opportunity to become agents. Condition easy and simple. As capital to establish Qbonk.Com. If you believe that, why not try to contact directly? Or would “improve” your face? Buruan deh, before the order was declined because the majority. 

ABOUT Tracing 

In computer graphics terminology, a set of vectors is the object in a particular line or shape that can be defined mathematically, fill color, and have a free resolution. Therefore, vectors can be enlarged in size without any loss of the resolution. Type of vector data, among others. Ai (Adobe Illustrator),. Fh (Macromedia Freehand),. CDR (CorelDraw),. Wmf (Windows Meta File),. EPS (Encapsulated PostScript),. Cgm (Computer Graphics Metafile), and others. 
While the object is a bitmap graphic is composed on the pixel. Each pixel or bit is often called in to load the object data information such as the color will be displayed. 
Unlike the vector that has a free resolution, bitmap has a fixed resolution. So when enlarged akan result in decreasing the sharpness of the resolution. Examples of bitmap is a JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, PICT, BMP, and more. 
Nah, because the vector is far more superior, so the designers often make changes to the format into bitmap vectors. This process is usually called Tracing. Tracing this can be done with some applications. For example, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Freehand, Corel-Draw, or Xara X software such as special Tracing CorelTrace. 
Each software has advantages and disadvantages. For example, Freehand autotrace features in its software. So Tracing allows the user to automatically, with a fairly good detail. While Corel has a feature that very much, but feels heavy use. 
Tracing the process is done in a way to import the bitmap in the software-on software, then re-drawn with the outline of the form of the imported bitmap. After that, the new color be charging in accordance with the color bitmap logo that ditracing or tailored to the original color. 
There is also a user Tracing the process with a variety of software. For example, beginning with CorelDraw, because its path editing easy. Then after, the result ditracing to Adobe Illustrator for Coloring and finishing. 
Whatever the software used, all the Tracing always make a good end to the touch. Touch the end of this is done manually using Adobe Ilustrator or similar software. For example, to refine shadow effect, remove the parts that are not needed, and so forth. 
In addition to software, Tracing requires diligence requires capital and skills, as well as craftsmen.

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